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Co-founder & CEO of roiquant

Co-founder & CEO of roiquant

Co-founder & CEO of roiquant



Aug 13, 2023



In the United States, over 700,000 companies shut down every year. In 2020 alone, 1.07 million business establishments opened for the first time, but within the same year 1.02 million establishments permanently shut down, and about 13.1% of the business establishments were startups. (U.S. Small Business Administration, 2023).

Evidently, with over 85% of companies around the world not surviving up to 10 years, the business shutdown rate is staggeringly high.

This is why Paul co-founded roiquant (róy-kwänt) in September 2017 to help founders reduce risk of business failure and build business defensibility.

Paul and his team are building its proprietary cloud-based analytics and business intelligence (ABI) to help early-stage startups around the world to competitively build profitable businesses. They help entrepreneurs by providing data-driven business development, risk management, and capital fundraising consultancy services through its ABI (aka, business decision support system) platform.

In other words, roiquant's end-to-end solution offers actionable insights from ideation to competitive analysis to business modeling to prototyping to market validation to risk analysis to data-driven fundraising to generating high return on investment.

Moreover, although a lot of money is pouring into the venture capital markets worldwide but underrepresented founders (women and people of colour) still lack the access to such capital.

As a result, roiquant's data-centric product offering is purposefully designed and powered by business failures datacompany performance datacapital markets datahistorical datacommercial strategiesrisk factorsinvestors databasebusiness toolssimulators, and more, to help founders build valuable and successful businesses.

In November 2019, roiquant was awarded the ‘Best AI & Machine Learning Startup’ in Brunei Darussalam at the ASEAN Rice Bowl Startup Awards 2019.

For its innovative research, roiquant was awarded the ‘Research & Development Special Award’ by H.E. Minister Dato Abdul Mutalib Yusof from the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications of Brunei Darussalam at the Brunei ICT Awards 2019 in September 2019.

As of 25 Feb 2022, we'd rebranded as roiquant and was formerly known as Flipidea (flee-pee-dia).

Paul also curate and share scientific insights and resources with its ACTi Hub Twitter profile.


Prior to founding roiquant (c/o ACTi Hub), Paul was a founding director of WafaGames in 2017 (mobile game development studio), and ai.Law in 2016 (legal AI bot startup), based in Beijing.

Between 2013 and 2016, Paul was the Co-founder & CEO of Seeway Group, a multifaceted business that offered investment advisory, commodity trading, and consultancy services.

Seeway Group primarily served Beijing’s state-owned enterprises, its main clientele in China, to secure international EPCF, PPP, and G2G projects in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia, as well as the import and export of agricultural products, industrial power cables, and heavy machinery.

As CEO of Seeway Group, Paul specialized in facilitating China's structured financing solutions, such as the Export Buyer's Credit, and the Chinese Government Concessional Facilities (Preferential Export Buyer's Credit and Concessional Loan) supported by Sinosure's Export Credit Insurance (medium-&-long term) and Investment Credit Insurance, for its clients undertaking public-private partnership and government-to-government projects.

Between 2012 and 2014, Paul was the Co-founder & CEO of KG Inc., a professional conference organizer that organized the APEC Women Leadership Forum in Beijing (2013-2014), and was also involved in the APEC and ASEAN business fora.


Before Paul’s entrepreneurial journey in China, he worked at Asia Inc Forum during 2011 to 2012 in Brunei Darussalam, a world class facilitator of business and public policy dialogue in Southeast Asia and the Asia Pacific.

Since 2000, the company has an continuing proud history of partnership with the APEC CEO Summits, the foremost annual meeting of business and government in the Asia Pacific region.

Asia Inc Forum was also the co-convener of the Asian Forum on Enterprise for Society (AFES), a world class conference on the forces shaping Asia's future.

Paul holds a Bachelor of Art and Social Sciences degree in Communication and International Studies from Monash University Melbourne, Victoria State, Australia.

Affiliate partnership: EIN Presswire costs lower and is more affordable for new startups and small companies.

Disclaimer: Any information, data and content on our analytics and business intelligence (ABI) platform, web applications or websites are for general information use only. The information and analyses presented on our web applications and websites do not constitute any legal, business, investment or tax advice. Even though certain information are cited from third-party sources while believed to be reliable, roiquant has not independently verified such information and makes no representations about the accuracy of the information or its appropriateness for any given situation. References to any securities or charts or graphs and all materials provided in connection with roiquant’s web applications or websites are provided strictly on “AS IS” basis without any representations or warranties, express or implied, which should not be relied upon when making any investment decision. Any projections, estimates, forecasts, targets, recommendations, prospects, and/or opinions expressed in these materials are subject to change without notice and may differ or be contrary to opinions expressed by others.

Our proprietary data retrieval systems scan the Internet to automatically aggregate public information from news articles, websites, press releases, regulatory filings, and so on. Roiquant's intelligent decision support system, multimodality systems, database systems, data retrieval systems, algorithmic systems, data processing engines, and many other technologies are powered by artificial intelligence and advanced analytics using our own proprietary data and synergized public data. Roiquant does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of data provided, so you would need to independently verify the information. Nevertheless, we encourage you to check the accuracy of our information before its use. We also gently advise that you obtain sufficient knowledge, market understanding, professional advice and experience to make your own evaluation of the merits and risks of any actions with the information.

Last edited on 27 March 2024.