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Privacy policy

Privacy policy



Dec 13, 2023



We're committed to strict user privacy because your privacy is important to us.

As you use our products and solutions, you're entrusting us with your information. This is a big responsibility.

We strive to protect your information and enable you to be in control of your own data. Our privacy policy is intended to help you understand what it covers.

roiquant, we and us refers to roiquant viewpoints, ACTi Hub, and any of our corporate affiliates.

This privacy policy covers the information we collect about you when you use our products and solutions. We refer to all of our products, together with our services and websites as "Solutions" in this policy.

If you do not agree with this policy, do not access or use our Solutions or Interact with any other aspect of our business.

Your information is controlled and managed by roiquant and ASEAN-China Tech Innovation (ACTi) Hub Limited Sdn Bhd. If you have questions or concerns about how your information is handled, please write or email us.

Roiquant, Inc.

c/o ASEAN-China Tech Innovation (ACTi) Hub Limited Sdn Bhd

8th floor, PGGMB Building

Jln. Kianggeh, BS8111

Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam


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Last updated on 14 December 2023.